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S –
Do you like me? I like you.

Eight years later.

Hey, L –
What’s going on? Maybe we could go for pizza after the game tomorrow?
– MS

Two years later.

Dear L –
I thought about you today. I’m watching the snow fall outside my window and I wished you were here next to me so I could build a fire (if I had a fireplace) and we  could snuggle on the couch and you could fall asleep in my arms. I’d even let you wear my favorite pajamas.
Love, M

Five years later

Dear C –
I can’t believe it’s been three weeks since I last saw you, since I last hugged you, since I last kissed you. The time we spend together is so wonderful, but there is a small voice lingering in the far corner of my mind constantly reminding me that you will leave. Bittersweet. That is the word. It is pure bliss and pure torture each time I see you. Please say you’ll come see me again soon. Or tell me I can come to San Diego.

One year later

Dear C –
I am so completely broken and useless without you. I know in my heart you are the one for me, and I believed you when you told me you loved me. What changed your mind? I do not know how I can possibly live without you. You are the sun that rises each morning to greet me and the sun that sets each night to complete my day. It is because of you that I breathe in the fresh air and feel the wind move through me. Please say you will come back to me and I will show you how much love I have for you. We are destined to be together. Everything will be all right, everything will be better. Please need me as much as I need you. Please want me as much as I want you.
Miserably, M

Three years later

My beloved E –
It is here today that I stand before you and express my undying love. When people spoke to me of true love, of true soulmates, I never really understood or believed until I met you. I thought I had known love, but all I really knew was that I was waiting for you. With you I do not have to fight to fill in the gaps or make believe everything is going to be all right. With you I am me. Be with me forever.
With love, M